Start Your IVF Journey with Utah's Trusted Fertility Clinic

At Wellnest Fertility Clinic in Utah, we understand the unique challenges of your fertility journey. Our compassionate specialists provide personalized IVF treatment plans, designed to meet your individual needs. With our cutting-edge technology and patient-first approach, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
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Why Wellnest is Utah’s Trusted Fertility Clinic for IVF
Families across Utah choose Wellnest Fertility Clinic for IVF because of
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The Unique Fertility Journey

Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting or staying pregnant. This number increases to 1 in 3 after the age of 35. The good news is, reproductive healthcare can significantly improve your chances of conception.
Timed Intercourse
Did you know there are only about 5 days each month when conception is most likely?

At Wellnest, our first step is to help you optimize your natural fertility. Through ultrasound and blood work monitoring—or even using a home ovulation predictor kit—we’ll guide you in accurately timing intercourse to maximize your chances of conceiving naturally. We're here to support you with personalized care, every step of the way.
Oral medications like Clomid
Clomid helps boost fertility by tricking your body into thinking estrogen levels are lower than they actually are. This increases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), both key in promoting ovulation. Higher FSH levels encourage the ovaries to produce and release an egg (or sometimes more than one), while higher LH levels trigger ovulation. To find out if Clomid is right for you, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced physicians. We're here to guide you every step of the way. Call us at 801-609-1442 for additional information.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that places specially prepared, concentrated sperm directly into the uterus, timed to coincide with ovulation when your egg is released. This simple and effective procedure helps increase the chances of fertilization, giving you the best opportunity to grow your family.
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a treatment that uses a blend of medications and a minor procedure to help sperm fertilize an egg, and then assist the fertilized egg (or embryo) in implanting into the uterus. The embryo transfer itself is quick and straightforward, typically done without the need for anesthesia. About two weeks later, we’ll perform a blood test to confirm if pregnancy has been achieved. We're with you every step of the way, offering personalized care and support.
Schedule a free call with our team to discuss your fertility goals.
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IVF with Wellnest

Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting or staying pregnant. This number increases to 1 in 3 after the age of 35. An IVF cycle typically takes about a month, from starting your medications to your pregnancy test. During that time, we’ll guide you through each step, including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, semen preparation, fertilization, and finally, the embryo transfer.
Step 1
Free Welcome Call
We'll schedule a no-obligation first call to understand your fertility goals, learn about your medical history, and introduce you to our service.
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Step 2
Fertility Consultation & Your Unique Plan
During this visit, we’ll conduct a blood test to check key fertility hormones, perform an ultrasound, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. It’s all about setting the stage for your best path forward.

Once your consultation results are in, a certified reproductive endocrinologist will recommend a personalized plan just for you. We may run a few additional tests before starting the stimulation phase.

Your fertility care team will be right by your side, guiding you through how to administer the at-home hormone injections, so you feel confident and supported every step of the way.
Step 3
Stimulation Process (Day 1-13)
You'll be administering small hormone injections at home to help stimulate your ovaries, encouraging the growth of more eggs. Over the course of 10-14 days, you’ll come in for regular scans and blood tests so we can closely monitor your progress and adjust your medication as needed.

Once your hormones and follicles reach the right levels, we’ll give you a trigger injection to complete the maturation process and kickstart ovulation—timed perfectly about 36 hours before your egg retrieval. We're here to guide you through every step.
Step 4
Egg Retrieval & Sperm Collection (Day 14)
You’ll be comfortably sedated for about 10-15 minutes while your physician collects your eggs. While you might feel a little sore afterward, most women are back to their normal routine by the next day.

On the same day, a semen sample is typically collected from the male partner. Once the eggs and sperm are ready, our skilled embryologists place them together in an incubator to fertilize.

Any resulting embryos are carefully monitored as they develop over the next 3-5 days to ensure the highest quality. We're with you every step of the way, focused on your success.
Step 5
Embryo Transfer (Day 19)
About 3-5 days after your egg retrieval, the highest quality embryo(s) will be transferred back into your uterus. There's no need for sedation during this step—it’s quick, and most patients experience little to no discomfort.

Any additional high-quality embryos can be frozen for future use, giving you more options down the road.If genetic screening is recommended, there may be a short wait of up to a month between retrieval and transfer, ensuring we have the best information before moving forward.

We're here to make the process as smooth and supportive as possible.
Step 6
Pregnancy Test (Day 28)
About 9-11 days after your embryo transfer, you'll take a pregnancy test to see if the embryo is developing. Your fertility care team will be right there to guide you through the next steps and ensure you have all the support you need.

Keep in mind, it’s common for more than one cycle to be needed—on average, patients go through about 2.5 cycles, though this can vary.

We're here to support you through every part of your journey.

How much does IVF cost?

If you’re ready to explore costs more closely, we’re here to help. IVF pricing can vary depending on your insurance coverage, and it’s important to know that the cost of bloodwork and medications can range from $150 to more than $6,000 based on a number of factors.
Schedule a free call with our team to discuss your fertility goals.
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