Diagnostic Specials
To celebrate our opening in Northeast Utah, we’re offering special pricing on diagnostic packages for Utah residents.
Pricing may differ depending on insurance coverage, paying with cash, and financial needs.
Fertility Checkup
(For Her)
Fertility Checkup
Fertility Test (For Her)
Fertility Test
Package Details
Welcome Call
Free ($0)
Schedule A Free CallThis meeting includes:
- 15-Minute Consultation with the Fertility Specialist
- Time to discuss your goals and frustrations with your fertility journey so far
- Information about Wellnest and our comprehensive offering
Back to the topFertility Checkup
(For Her)
$1,095 $250
What’s Included:
- 60-minute consultation with a fertility specialist (regularly $600)
- AMH test to understand your ovarian reserve (regularly $120)
- 30-minute follow-up with a fertility specialist (regularly $375)
Back to the topFertility Checkup
$1,335 $450
What's Included:
- 60-minute consultation with a fertility specialist (regularly $600)
- AMH test to understand your ovarian reserve (regularly $120)
- Semen analysis (regularly $240)
- 30-minute follow-up with a fertility specialist (regularly $375)
Back to the topComprehensive Fertility Test (For Her)
$2,565 $950
What's Included:
- 60-minute consultation with a fertility specialist (regularly $600)
- Female preconception panel (regularly $475)
- HSG diagnostic (Regularly $525)
- Baseline/transvaginal ultrasound (regularly $275)
- 30-minute follow-up with the fertility specialist (regularly $375)
- 12 months of access to fertility-focused mental health and stress reduction app Tilly (regularly $315)
Back to the topComprehensive Fertility Test (Couples)
$3,445 $1,350
What's Included:
- 60-minute consultation with a fertility specialist (regularly $600)
- Female preconception panel (regularly $475)
- HSG diagnostic (Regularly $525)
- Baseline/transvaginal ultrasound (regularly $275)
- Semen analysis (regularly $240)
- Male fertility screen (regularly $185)
- 30-minute follow-up with the fertility specialist (regularly $375)
- 12 months of access for two to fertility-focused mental health and stress reduction app Tilly (regularly $630)
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